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Mannersing Merv

October 29, 1999


Well, the old Merv II got mannersed (Jamaican slang) by the Silver Fox yesterday. And, for the second time in quick succession.

Only a week ago the Merv was “promoted” to a reduced portfolio, as a Deshman was given his tourism growth area portfolio to oversee.

Really, the display by Mr. Merv, continuing his public vilification of the President of Guyana, after his boss had assured the President that he would investigate the matters of rice imports from his country, is an act of gross subordination.

You think if Merv II had pronounced on an issue publicly any junior officer in his Ministry could go and comment on it in that manner and still be working the next day?

Well, some will excuse it by saying this is a rural government and have not found the niceties of the art of governing yet (after 4 years!!! Come on!).

In part, Merv II’s behaviour is a case of monkey see, monkey do.

The Silver Fox himself has led by the worst example, using international fora, like the opening of the Law Ministers’ Conference most recently, to air his domestic political squabbles with the PNM.

So, following the leader, Merv II probably felt that is the way to behave, only to be scolded by the old master himself.

And, so soon after his recent “promotion” which must be still stuck in his craw and may have contributed to his brave danger display of crass bad manners (so unbecoming of that Oxonian accent).

Well, once again the evidence is there that the Fox’s recent shuffling of a bad deck can bring no more quality to the quantity of incompetence, never-see-come-see blundering and self-serving tragi-comedy that is now the Party in Power.

A serious alternative to this buffoonery is urgently needed.


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